Mysql类 自己为求方便封装了一下
# What’s this . This is a PHP5 CLASS to provide access utility
# for MySQL database.
# AUTHOR :: Humen1
# Vision :: 1.0
class mydb{
///start of the CLASS
private $host;
private $usr;
private $pwd;
private $db;
private $charset = NULL;
private $charsetArray = Array(“utf8”,“big5”,“gb2312”,“gbk”,“latin1”);
private $link;
private $result;
private $error = Array();
#ERROR = Array(
# [0]=>,
# )
function mydb($DB_host,$DB_user,$DB_passwd,$DB_name = “”){
$this->host = $DB_host;
$this->usr = $DB_user;
$this->pwd = $DB_passwd;
$this->db = $DB_name;
###set database name
function set_db($DB_name){
$this->db = $DB_name;
###get connection flag
function connection(){
///get connection
$this->link = @mysql_connect($this->host,$this->usr,$this->pwd);
$this->error[0] = sprintf(“Error connecting to host %s by user %s”, $this->host,$this->usr);
///select db
$this->error[1] = sprintf(“Error in selecting %s database.\n mysql errno is %d and error message is %s”,$this->db,mysql_errno($this->link),mysql_error($this->link));
###set query charset
function set_charset($Charset){
$this->charset = $Charset;
###Quick execute the statement
function query($SQL){
if($this->charset !== NULL){
mysql_query("SET NAMES ".$this->charset , $this->link);
$this->result = mysql_query($SQL , $this->link);
$this->error[2] = sprintf(“Error query in %s database.\n mysql errno is %d and error message is %s”,$this->db,mysql_errno($this->link),mysql_error($this->link));
return $this->result;
###fetch the result as array
function fetch($result_type = MYSQL_BOTH){
if($result_type == “1”) $result_type = MYSQL_NUM;
if($result_type == “A”) $result_type = MYSQL_ASSOC;
$this->error[3] = “Error fetch array in %s database.There is no Result”;
return mysql_fetch_array($this->result,$result_type);
###fetch the result as object
function fetch_obj(){
return ($this->result) ? @mysql_fetch_object($this->result) : false;
###return the next id
function next_id(){
return ($this->link) ? @mysql_insert_id($this->link) : false;
###return the affectde rows
function affected_rows(){
return ($this->link) ? @mysql_affected_rows($this->link) : false;
###return the rows number from result
function num_rows(){
return ($this->result) ? @mysql_num_rows($this->result) : false;
###return the fields number from result
function num_fields(){
return ($this->result) ? @mysql_num_fields($this->result) : false;
###free the result
function free(){
return ($this->result) ? @mysql_free_result($this->result) : false;
/****************Advanced Plus************************/
###get one record only
function getOne($SQL){
$SQL .= " LIMIT 1";
return ($this->result) ? @mysql_fetch_row($this->result) : false;
///End of the CLASS
humen1 Tech